Sunday, 08 Sep 2024

Marjorie Taylor Greene keeps rising in Republican ranks despite ‘loony lies’

Marjorie Taylor Greene keeps rising in Republican ranks despite ‘loony lies’

Marjorie Taylor Greene keeps rising in Republican ranks despite ‘loony lies’

When Marjorie Taylor Greene was elected to America's House of Representatives in 2020, she became one of the most visible of a wave of extremists to enter the Republican party whose often bizarre utterings stretched the bounds of what had previously been the norm of US politics.

The Georgian congresswoman, who has suggested Jewish space lasers are responsible for wildfires, speculated whether 9/11 was a hoax and supported the QAnon conspiracy theory, was part of a new wave of Trumpian Republicans and was mocked, ridiculed and reviled in equal measure - including by some in her own party.

But in 2023, Greene is now firmly on her way to becoming one of the senior figures in the Republican party. She has become a favorite, and key ally, of Kevin McCarthy, the new House speaker, and preparing to take up assignments on some of Congress's most prominent committees.

It's been a remarkable rise that few could have seen coming during a checkered first half of 2021, when Greene was making her name known through her penchant for unhinged conspiracy theories and strange remarks, but her ascension to the upper echelons of the GOP was confirmed this week by McCarthy, in an interview with the New York Times.

"If you're going to be in a fight, you want Marjorie in your foxhole," McCarthy said.

"When she picks a fight, she's going to fight until the fight's over. She reminds me of my friends from high school, that we're going to stick together all the way through."

This apparent fondness for a tussle has seen Greene rewarded with positions on the homeland security committee, despite her previously musing that no plane crashed into the Pentagon on 9/11, and on the oversight committee, where she is expected to be part of a subcommittee investigating the government's response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

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