Tuesday, 01 Oct 2024

‘Running away from good news’: why is Harris distancing herself from Biden’s record?

‘Running away from good news’: why is Harris distancing herself from Biden’s record?

‘Running away from good news’: why is Harris distancing herself from Biden’s record?

As Joe Biden walked on the set of The View, one of America's most popular daytime television programmes, he was greeted by Hail to the Chief and a studio audience erupting in wild applause and cheers. "They love you!" said the co-host Joy Behar. The US president replied wryly: "It's always better when you're leaving."

During the ABC show, filmed live in a New York studio where digital screens showed images from Biden's career, he claimed to be "at peace" with his decision not to seek re-election in November. Yet he also insisted that he could have beaten "loser" Donald Trump. And the co-host Whoopi Goldberg criticised the way Democrats forced Biden's hand: "I didn't like the way it was done publicly."

The wistfulness might be owed in part to Biden supporters' faith that, for all the concerns over his age and mental acuity, his record should be viewed more as an asset than a liability. Their argument has been bolstered of late by trends that could neutralise three scourges of his presidency.

Inflation has been tamed. Illegal immigration has stabilised. Violent crime is down. In theory it is a perfect recipe for electoral success. Yet it is a gift that the Democratic nominee, Kamala Harris, seems reluctant to accept. Far from embracing her role in Biden's White House, the 59-year-old is presenting herself as a change agent who will "turn the page" and offer "a new way forward".

Larry Sabato, director of the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia, said: "A new way? She's been part of a very successful administration and she was chosen by Joe Biden as VP and then essentially chosen to be his successor.

"But she has to pretend that she's going to be forging a new path because she can't afford to be too closely associated with Biden. I know one person on the inner campaign staff who cringes every time Harris and Biden have to appear together because the visual reinforces the tie they don't want people to make. It's nonsensical."

Travelling by motorcade, helicopter and Air Force One, the Guardian accompanied Biden for two days this week, from his daytime TV slot to a Ukraine event with the British prime minister, Keir Starmer, from a glamorous reception at New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art to a gun safety event with Harris where the audience chanted: "Thank you, Joe!"

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