Tuesday, 01 Oct 2024

‘I see the apathy’: Saginaw city’s Black voters could be vital - if they vote

‘I see the apathy’: Saginaw city’s Black voters could be vital - if they vote

‘I see the apathy’: Saginaw city’s Black voters could be vital - if they vote

The largest bloc of registered voters in the city of Saginaw has yet to make a choice between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, and probably never will. A majority of Black residents of the biggest city in the most closely contested county of the battleground state of Michigan simply don't vote.

To the frustration of civil rights activists and Democratic politicians struggling to secure every ballot in a state that the Harris campaign sees as crucial to victory, more than half of Saginaw city's population has long been unpersuaded that elections make much of a difference to their lives.

Now, against the backdrop of the drama of the US's knife-edge 2024 election, Black organizations and churches are once again making a determined push to turn out voters, helped by the first female Black candidate for president and changes to Michigan law making it easier to vote.

But Terry Pruitt, president of the local National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) branch running voter education campaigns, said it was a struggle to generate enthusiasm in Saginaw.

"I've been here all my life. I grew up on the east side of Saginaw and I see the apathy. This is not something that they put at the top of the priority list when they've got to figure out, can I get to work today?" he said.

"My church is on the south side of Saginaw, probably the lowest socioeconomic district in Saginaw county other than a couple of rural areas, and when I walk through the neighborhood and talk to people about why they don't vote, you'd be surprised how many of them say, 'that's not important to me.' These folks are going to go ahead and do what they want to do. They don't listen to me. They don't want to hear what I have to say."

Black residents account for nearly half of Saginaw city's 45,000 population with white people about one-third. Historically, a sharp racial divide was marked by the Saginaw river running through the heart of the city so that there were two downtowns on opposite banks.

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