Friday, 27 Sep 2024

‘Be a man and vote for a woman’: Kamala Harris’s unlikely edge in America’s masculinity election

‘Be a man and vote for a woman’: Kamala Harris’s unlikely edge in America’s masculinity election

‘Be a man and vote for a woman’: Kamala Harris’s unlikely edge in America’s masculinity election

A man in a baseball cap strides through a field of corn. A woman in flannel turns and smiles, a line of trucks visible behind her. As piano music swells, an American flag ripples in a gentle breeze. This video is pure, uncut Americana. Naturally, it's a political ad.

Specifically, it's an ad made by the Lincoln Project, a group of moderates and former Republicans united by a desire to topple Donald Trump and support Kamala Harris. And it's making one of the most obvious appeals to men and masculinity yet in the 2024 election.

As the ad nears its crescendo, the deep voice of Sam Elliott, an actor best known for playing grizzled but folksy cowboy types, demands: "What the hell are you waiting for? Because if it's the woman thing, it's time to get over that." He continues: "It's time to be a man and vote for a woman."

Masculinity and people's views on gender roles may be more important than ever in 2024 - and not just because Harris is the first woman of color to ever secure a major-party nomination for president. The 2022 overturning of Roe v Wade thrust women's rights to the forefront of the election. Numerous identity-based groups, including White Dudes for Harris, have gathered to drum up enthusiasm. An extreme gender gap has also yawned open among the youngest US voters: having come of age in the era of #MeToo, gen Z women are becoming the most progressive and politically active cohort ever measured - while gen Z men are increasingly apathetic to politics and drifting further to the right.

Conservatives are openly using anxiety around masculinity to win this election, telling men that their problems stem from not being man enough. Josh Hawley, the influential Republican senator from Missouri, published a book called Manhood: The Masculine Virtues America Needs. The Fox News host Jesse Watters went even further.

"I don't see why any man would vote Democrat. It's not the party of virtue, security. It's not the party of strength," Watters said, shortly after White Dudes for Harris held a call with more than 190,000 participants. Watters added: "I heard the scientists say the other day that when a man votes for a woman, he actually transitions into a woman."

Watters is not a serious person, but Americans' obsession with masculinity is, to the point that it can determine the outcome even of presidential elections where two men are running. (So, most of them.) Americans revere presidents as role models, fixating on their status - real or perceived - as founding fathers, real fathers, war heroes, and masters of diplomacy and making money and cheating on their wives without getting caught (or, at least, without getting divorced). Because presidents epitomize American notions of manhood, elections reveal what kind of man, what type and degree of masculinity, is most respected and deserving of power.

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