Sunday, 08 Sep 2024

Nature, Culture and Gastronomy Tours in Ecuador

Ecuador is a paradise in the center of the world waiting to be discovered.

Nature, Culture and Gastronomy Tours in Ecuador

"Ecuador has prioritized the U.S. market. It is the first market from which they receive tourists. Although with the pandemic, the numbers dropped, there has always been an influx of Americans," explains Ana Ontaneda, Director of Promotion and Marketing of the Ministry of Tourism of Ecuador to TravelPulse.

The interviewee mentions that tourists who visit Ecuador are looking for adventure tourism, the Amazon and the Galapagos, the jewel in the crown. A point in favor of the destination is that the country can be traveled quickly, in hours, due to its size. "In 4 hours, the tourist is on the beach, and he can go into the Amazon in two hours. Domestic flights are short (the longest is 45 minutes). It is effortless to get around, and it doesn't take long to get to know Ecuador. After the pandemic, outdoor tourism opened up," Ontadena says.

Both cities have international airports. Starting in Quito, there is a great cultural offer, specifically the Centro Histórico, an ancient site. Also, there is the city Mitad del Mundo. And 1.5 hrs. away are the rainforests, or you can head to La Coca, the part of the Amazon (30 min. by plane; 4 hrs. by car).

Although most tourists come to Coca only as a port of embarkation to the Amazonian lodges of Yasuni National Park, the Huaorani Reserve, the Limoncocha Biological Reserve, and the Cuyabeno Reserve, it can be said that the city has quite an impressive tourist infrastructure.

Coca is not a place where visitors spend a lot of time, but despite this, it does have hotels, restaurants, bars, and nightclubs. It is an exclusive place and is managed by the local community. There is a lot of cultural tourism in Cuenca, and in Baños, 2 hours from Quito, there is adventure tourism. From Quito, there is an adventure and sports tourism.

Gastronomically, each province has its typical dishes that are becoming more and more known: roasted cuy (hamster), pork (hornado, frittata), or cocoa, which is very popular in Ecuador. Paccari is the company that has put Ecuatorian cacao in the mouth of the world.

The route of the sun in Guayaquil offers beautiful beaches, where the food provided is also delicious and considered one of the best. The climate is very mild, and the water is not cold. The distance from Quito to the nearest beach is 4 hours. For those who move by road, the infrastructure and the hotel's offers are impeccable. "Ecuador is a country for families. There are activities and destinations for everyone. The Galapagos Islands are different. The rest of Ecuador is suitable for children, babies, and even senior tourism. Many retired Americans are living in Cuenca," says the public official.

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