Tuesday, 17 Sep 2024

Robot dogs deployed in New York building collapse revive surveillance fears

Robot dogs deployed in New York building collapse revive surveillance fears

Robot dogs deployed in New York building collapse revive surveillance fears

Critics said the use of such robots in the building collapse response did not negate legitimate concerns about the use of robots for surveillance and aggressive policing.

Critics also noted that it was not clear how useful the Digidog was in the building collapse response.

Adams began rolling out the robots this month. New technologies were advertised as helping New York police investigate high-risk areas, CBS News reported.

When such technologies were proposed under the former mayor, Bill Blasio, critics warned of unneeded surveillance largely used against low-income people of color. The robot dogs were withdrawn, after backlash to their use in public housing areas and in response to a home invasion in the Bronx.

Adams has also faced criticism for escalating police powers, including reinstating a notorious plainclothes unit and pledging to increase use of facial recognition technology. Such technology has been criticized as inaccurate and disproportionately used against minorities.

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