Friday, 20 Sep 2024

We each have a Nazi in us. We need to understand the psychological roots of authoritarianism | Gabor Maté

We each have a Nazi in us. We need to understand the psychological roots of authoritarianism | Gabor Maté

We each have a Nazi in us. We need to understand the psychological roots of authoritarianism | Gabor Maté

"Any attempt to understand the attraction which fascism exercises upon great nations compels us to recognize the role of psychological factors," the German-Jewish social psychologist Erich Fromm asserted in 1941. Such factors are not specifically German or, say Italian, nor were they the manifestations of a unique historical era, now safely in the distant past. Not only can the malignant political-economic-ideological climates required for the flowering of fascism develop anywhere, so are its emotional dynamics present in the psyche of most human beings.

"We each have a Nazi within," the Auschwitz survivor Edith Eger has written - pointing, in my observation, to a near-universal reality. Many of us harbor the seeds for hatred, rage, fear, narcissistic self-regard and contempt for others that, in their most venomous and extreme forms, are the dominant emotional currents whose confluence can feed the all-destructive torrent we call fascism, given enough provocation or encouragement.

All the more reason to understand the psychic sources of such tendencies, whose ground and nature can be expressed in a word: trauma. In the case of fascism, severe trauma.

Nobody is born with rabid hatred, untrammelled rage, existential fear or cold contempt permanently embedded in their minds or hearts. These fulminant emotions, when chronic, are responses to unbearable suffering endured at a time of utmost vulnerability, helplessness and unrelieved threat: that is, in early childhood.

The human infant enters the world with the implicit expectation of being safely held, seen, heard, physically protected and emotionally nourished, her feelings welcomed, recognized, validated and mirrored. Given such an "evolved nest", in the apt phrase of the psychologist Darcia Narvaez, we develop and maintain a strong connection to ourselves, a deeply rooted confidence in who we are, a trust in innate goodness present in the world and an openness to love within ourselves, as without. Trauma represents a disconnect from these healthy inclinations, in extreme cases a defensive denial of them as being too vulnerable to bear. And that, in essence, is what fascism is on the emotional level: a desperate escape from vulnerability.

Looking at the hideous demigod of fascism, Adolf Hitler, or at his present-day caricature Donald Trump, who is often compared to him - including some years ago by his current vice-presidential running mate, JD Vance - we find many remarkable characteristic similarities: relentless self-hypnotising mendacity, mistrust bordering on paranoia, devious opportunism, a deep streak of cruelty, limitless grandiosity, unhinged impulsivity, crushing disdain for the weak.

Both had grown up in homes headed by abusive fathers, with mothers impotent to defend their children. In Hitler's case, the bright and sensitive child suffered merciless violence. Trump was subjected to the ruthless emotional dictatorship of a father, Fred Sr, who Mary, Donald's psychologist niece, describes as a "sociopath". "Donald Trump is a poster boy for trauma," the eminent trauma psychiatrist Bessel van der Kolk told me.

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