Friday, 07 Mar 2025

US voting rights champion Jasmine Crockett: ‘I need everyone to feel a sense of urgency’

US voting rights champion Jasmine Crockett: ‘I need everyone to feel a sense of urgency’

US voting rights champion Jasmine Crockett: ‘I need everyone to feel a sense of urgency’
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In July 2021, Jasmine Crockett entered the US Capitol for the first time. Then a state representative, Crockett was a lead architect of Texas Democrats' unprecedented plans to board a flight and travel to Washington to break quorum in Texas and block Republicans from enacting the voting restrictions they were steamrolling in the state.

Less than two years later, Crockett came back to the Capitol, this time to be sworn in to the House of Representatives - one of 22 women and 13 women of color in the class of 74 new freshmen.

Back in her district in Dallas for the first time since officially becoming a member of Congress, Crockett has had to hit the ground running. "I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off," she told the Guardian in a phone interviewy. "Everybody wants to get their meetings in, and I'm like, 'Guys, we have a full two years. And it's not like we're going to be that legislatively aggressive this season, so we've got time.'"

Crockett saw her opening to join Congress in November 2021, when the Dallas Democratic congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson announced her retirement after almost three decades. Four days later, Crockett announced she would run for her seat, with Johnson's support. She won the primary in May by over 20 points thanks to the name recognition and political prominence she earned by leading the plans to break quorum. Supporting a range of progressive policies from healthcare to workers' rights, she went on to easily secure the seat in the solidly Democratic district in November.

Coming into a chamber with a slim Republican majority, Crockett said she knows it will be important to keep the pressure on voting rights reform.

A civil rights attorney and former public defender, Crockett was labeled the most liberal member of the Texas house in her freshman year. In her first year, she introduced more than 60 bills, including measures to create online voter registration and same day voter registration, increase ballot drop boxes, permanently allow drive-thru voting, and allow voters to vote in primaries if they turn 18 in time for the general election.

None of her bills passed, but she made a name for herself as a defender of voting rights, which she has called the "modern-day civil rights movement".

Crockett said she came to voting rights accidentally. When she was a student at the University of Houston Law Center, she was late to sign up for a seminar class "so all of the 'good ones' were gone", she said. She ended up in an election law seminar, and remembers thinking: "What am I going to do with this?"

"Little did I know," she said. "I always tell people that God had this amazing, beautiful plan that I was definitely not clued in on."

She wrote her final paper on felony disenfranchisement laws and their Jim Crow-era roots, a topic that got her thinking about the racist history of US voting policy. After law school, she volunteered for Barack Obama's campaign and was inspired to become engaged beyond her work as a public defender. "Obama made me feel like we could all fly," she said. She became chair of the Democratic party in Texarkana, Texas, and worked to make sure that people waiting for trial in jail knew they were eligible to vote.

Her next foray into voting rights came after she was elected to the Texas legislature and assumed office in January 2021. That session, Republicans prioritized pushing through legislation to protect "election integrity", capitalizing on former president Donald Trump's lies about voter fraud. Crockett quickly found herself on the defensive, given the importance of defending Texans' voting rights.

But she would soon meet the legislative brick wall that was state representative Briscoe Cain, a conservative attorney who helped Trump attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 election. Cain chaired the House's elections committee in 2021 and blocked Democratic-sponsored bills.

When asked what it was like to propose dozens of bills to protect voting but to watch them all fail, Crockett laughed. "Is this your way of asking me what it feels like to be a loser?

"No, listen," she said. "I went in and I told people all the time that I was green and I was excited and I was believing, and the Texas house has a way of showing you the realities of what it is to be in Texas."

After Republicans initially failed in an attempt to pass a sweeping bill they said would protect against widespread voter fraud, Governor Greg Abbott called a special session for July to address voting. Crockett said she knew then that it was time to take extreme action on behalf of her majority non-white constituents.

"I always describe the Texas house as a kind of abusive relationship, and there are those that have gotten used to the abuse and conditioned - meaning senior members - and then there's me, who's hit over the head for the first time," she said. She described Republicans' effort to pass an omnibus restrictive voting bill as "the straw that broke the camel's back".

Though getting a large enough group of colleagues in agreement to take action took some time and negotiating, Crockett said she was grateful that the conversations happened. According to Texas House rules, at least two-thirds of the chamber's 150 members must be present to conduct business - Crockett said they reached a point where there was enough interest to officially break quorum.

Eventually, Crockett and a group of Democratic lawmakers chartered the plane to take them to Washington, where they held protests and met with members of Congress. Crockett spent weeks in the capital, refusing to return to Austin even as some of her colleagues struck deals to come back home.

Now back in Washington, Crockett has no illusions about the possibility of passing an omnibus voting rights bill in this Congress. Despite the Democrats controlling the House for the last two years, their efforts to enact voting rights legislation were blocked in the Senate, where the party didn't have a filibuster-proof majority.

But she does see some room for compromise.

"I am going to try to attack this from a very simple, singular, non-omnibus way," she said. "Something simple like online voter registration is where I'm going to start."

Currently, 42 states and Washington DC allow people to register to vote online, but Texas is one of the small number that still don't allow it, though lawmakers of both parties have shown support of moving it through the legislature. She said the infrastructure exists nationally to expand online voter registration across the nation. "We wouldn't be burdening the states," she said.

She also said she plans to introduce legislation to allow young people to vote in primaries if they turn 18 by the time of the general election.

While Crockett is in DC now, she's still worried about what her former colleagues are doing in the legislature. Texas Republicans have introduced dozens of bills that would make voting more difficult, including one proposal that would give the attorney general power to prosecute alleged instances of voter fraud.

"There is no reason for the AG's office to handle these cases," she said, adding that she knew it was part of a larger plan to "specifically target the large urban centers and those areas that make up the majority of the color in the state of Texas".

"They will pick on them and they will try to make sure that they've got an example so that more people of color are intimidated and afraid to go to the polls because even if they make a mistake, they can potentially go to prison," she said.

Crockett often compares the modern-day struggle for voting rights with the civil rights era. A few days after Martin Luther King Day, she lamented that there's no one figure right now organizing people and pushing them to fight for their rights.

"I need everybody in this country to feel a sense of urgency," she said, especially during elections. "I need you to say, 'I know I'm standing here for hours, but I have to because John Lewis marched and almost died just so I can have a chance to stand here."

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