Saturday, 21 Sep 2024

For decades, it’s been a man’s world on Capitol Hill - that’s finally changing

For decades, it’s been a man’s world on Capitol Hill - that’s finally changing

For decades, it’s been a man’s world on Capitol Hill - that’s finally changing

The halls of the US Congress were, for many years, a man's world. The first woman elected to Congress, the Republican Jeannette Rankin of Montana, joined the House in 1917, three years before the 19th amendment granted women the right to vote and decades before the civil rights movement enabled ballot access for women of color.

Now, more than a century later, 150 women serve in Congress, marking an all-time high. And as more women have joined the House and Senate, the ranks of senior staffers on the Hill have shifted alongside them. More women, specifically young women, are leading congressional offices as chiefs of staff, giving them invaluable access to lawmakers and opportunities to influence the policies that shape Americans' lives.

Data shows that white male staffers are still more likely to hold senior roles on Capitol Hill, but the young women who lead congressional offices want to help change that. And among Democratic chiefs of staff, this year represents an inflection point: many of them were first inspired to get involved in politics after Hillary Clinton's loss in 2016, and the country now has another opportunity to not only defeat Donald Trump but elect Kamala Harris as the first female president.

"It's really important for women in positions of power to be speaking out and sharing their experiences," said Marie Baldassarre, 29, chief of staff to the Democratic congressman Ro Khanna. "The more of those examples that young women can have, then the less we doubt ourselves - because we've seen other people do it."

Multiple Democratic chiefs of staff said they had not envisioned a career in politics before Trump's victory in 2016. They certainly did not expect to rise to the level of a chief of staff, who holds the most senior role in a congressional office and can directly consult with a House member on legislative and political decisions.

After her family emigrated to the US from Iran when she was seven, Armita Pedramrazi, chief of staff to the Democratic representative Mary Gay Scanlon, thought she might go into pro-bono immigration law. Then a mentor suggested she apply for a job with the then congresswoman Susan Davis.

"I applied completely on a whim, thinking there was absolutely no way that someone without political connections or without some sort of leverage could work for a congressional office," said Pedramrazi, 32. "It felt like this incredibly far away, impossible thing."

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  • by travelandtourworld
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MGL Limo Unveils New Black Car Services to Elevate Luxury Travel in San Francisco

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