Sunday, 08 Sep 2024

Biden v Trump: US is unenthused by likely rematch of two old white men

Biden v Trump: US is unenthused by likely rematch of two old white men

Biden v Trump: US is unenthused by likely rematch of two old white men

Furthermore, he has no obvious challenger with the Democratic party and benefits from the same conditions as 2020: the fear that Trump poses an existential threat to democracy and the constitution and Biden is best placed to beat him.

Some 44% of Democratic voters say he is too old to run, according a Reuters/Ipsos poll, although it showed him with a lead of 43% to 38% over Trump nationally. Trump also faces concerns about his age, with 35% of Republicans saying he is too old.

A Biden v Trump rematch would also leave America facing its 250th birthday in 2026 with no female presidents and only one Black president in its history. It fares poorly by comparison with Australia, Britain, Finland, Germany, New Zealand and numerous nations that have elected women as leaders.

Trump could choose a female running mate, with potential candidates including Nikki Haley, a former US ambassador to the UN and one of his rivals for the Republican nomination. Biden will be joined in his 2024 bid by his vice-president, Kamala Harris, who features prominently in his campaign video.

But if Trump does prevail, Democrats insist that they can overcome voter fatigue.

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  • by travelandtourworld
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How Will China's C919 New Expansion Threaten Boeing and Airbus's Dominance in the International Airline Sector?

The C919, China’s first domestically produced narrow-body jet, has officially entered the commercial aviation market, marking a significant shift in the global airline sector. With its entry, the C919 poses a formidable challenge to the long-standing dominance of Boeing and Airbus, offering airlines a third option that could disrupt the current duopoly. The impact of this development is expected to ripple across the travel industry, influencing airline competition, passenger choices, and global aviation dynamics.

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