- by architectureau
- 14 Mar 2025
The 2024 Australian Good Design Awards have awarded three architectural design projects with their highly esteemed Best in Class accolade.
Hurlstone Memorial Reserve Community Centre - Sam Crawford Architects
Requiring careful consideration of environmental features of the site, heritage, site safety, and the need to bring together varied aspirations from the community drawn out of community consultation processes, the Hurlstone Memorial Reserve Community Centre strikes a careful balance between privacy and openness, and promotes views of the park while creating pockets for activities.
Glenthorne National Park - Ityamaiitpinna Yarta Nature Playground - TCL, Karl Winda Tefler and Tikana Tefler, and PPA (Architecture)
Located in Adelaide's south, the Nature Playground faced the challenge of transforming a site with a rich history of farming, scientific research and WW1 warhorse training into a space that met the community's aspirations and the client's vision. An outcome of collaborative and multidisciplinary effort, the site-responsive design creates equitable access for visitors to interact with the restored creek line and celebrates the use of local and natural materials, honouring the site's past while also creating a cohesive, engaging and playful learning environment.
Hidden: Seven Children Saved at Melbourne Holocaust Museum - Art Processors
Leveraging the Melbourne Holocast Museum's collection of first-person testimonies, personal artefacts, and photographs, the installation curates a visitor experience much like a wandering theatrical production, focusing on the extraordinary lives of seven children through stories narrated by local youth. Thoughtful choreography manages visitor flow while crafting a captivating journey into the survivors' stories through cinematic soundscapes, projection mapping, colourful illustrations, physical dioramas, and playful interactive spaces.
New Zealand project Comvita's Paengaroa Workplace by Blur the Lines received the Good Design Award Best in Class for Interior Design.
Southwest has customers sounding off after the airline announced an end to its checked bag policy, leading some flyers to say they'll "boycott" the airline.
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